Wednesday, 23 August 2017

The implications of Christian Cardinal Tumi Statement of Southern Cameroons/LRC union

Cardinal Tumi Comes Out: Says No Union between Both Cameroons, Says Foumban Conference Were Wine Drinkers

In an interview granted to NGO “Un Monde Avenir” at his residence this on August 21, 2017, His Eminence Christian Tumi summarized what happened in July 1961 in Foumban. The Cardinal declared that there has never been any marriage between British Cameroons and French Cameroon. They are living as concubines, the Cardinal reveals.

The socio- political situation of Cameroon was the topic on agenda during the interview. The man of God who was ordained bishop in 1980 said: “They signed nothing at Foumban. Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha (who was a former Catholic teacher) did not have the power to negotiate, because Cameroons was under the tutelage of France and England. The French who supported Ahidjo, were at the conference. But England and the United Nations who were to validate the act, were not present. There has never been a document about what happened in Foumban. People went there to drink wine. ”

The Cardinal went on to say that however he is not against reunification. He noted that with federalism, “Cameroon was well managed, development was spot on. There was a prime minister in the two parts of the country.

If there was no real marriage between LRC and British Southern Cameroons, then Ambazonians have all the rights to chase the occupants out of their land. Ambazonians need to start in the county level, send the Do’s the SDO’s and any administration sent by LRC.
Disregard any of their orders and possible arrest if they do not leave within a specified time.
The government of LRC need documented proof of the Foumban conference to counter the next move.

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