Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Ambazonian Flag added at Trafalgar Square in London

today the flag of Ambazonia was added to the flags of the nations of the world at Trafalgar Square in London. For anyone who have visited the UK and been to London, you notice that there is a London Landmark full of all flags of the nations of the world.

Ambazonians see this as a giant step to restore their nationhood. While on the other side of the border, Cameroonians nationals are already panicking on what future might hold for them without Ambazonia

 This is happening several hours before the Secretary general f the Ambazonian governing council will appear on national TV to give blueprints on how the State of Ambazonia will look like. Ambazonians are expected to learn a lot about the their new government and the plans.

These Blueprints are from Education, Communication, Security, Health, Agriculture, Defense, Justice, Research, Water and Energy, Investments, Registration of persons, Immigration, Diplomacy, Trade, the Treasury and social welfare.

Ambazonians shall also know the system of government they will have, Parliamentary of presidential system. there are speculations that the governing council will be presenting a new constitution.

Fearless Witness 

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